The Mille Miglia returns to Bergamo in 2023 from Tuesday, June 13 to Saturday, June 17, confirming, with some innovations, its passage through the city on the last day of the event, which changes the route into a journey of over two thousand kilometers across the peninsula.

“In occasion of Bergamo Brescia Italian Capital of Culture 2023, the passage of Mille Miglia in the city will be broader than usual,” says the Sports Councilor Loredana Poli. “A City of Bergamo Regularity Trophy is planned, which will take place along the ring of the Venetian Walls. I would also like to remind you of the sustainability project of 1000miglia, which involves offsetting the CO2 produced by the event.”

Ezio Ronzoni, our client and friend, tells us what it represents for him and for all enthusiasts of engines and vintage cars.

High-sounding titles for the annual four-wheeled Made in Italy event that also passes through Bergamo this year. The Mille Miglia.

Passion is the common denominator that guides all participants in the competition. Taking part in the Mille Miglia for a motor enthusiast is one of those experiences that leave a mark on you, as Ezio Ronzoni, CEO of Banca Galileo, tells us, who has been participating in the historic race for 15 years now.

On the occasion of the Mille Miglia, Italy becomes an open-air museum, and for 4-5 days, participants can enjoy the privileged view of the sights of one of the most beautiful countries in the world. You have the opportunity to travel roads filled with dreams and expectations about your transit right there at that precise moment. How do you know? You read it in the eyes of two million people watching you. Immense eyes full of pride and belonging.

What gives me pleasure while driving is seeing the looks of people on the roadside. And that’s how I learned to understand, in a banal way, who is there because they are passionate, and who is annoyed because they are stuck in their destination direction.

It is wonderful to observe in children, young people, and the elderly the amazement and admiration that the passage of these cars that have made history arouses. And it is beautiful to realize that you give them a part of this emotion with your car.

The passion for engines and cars runs in the family, we are 4 brothers, and today we are lucky to share it also with children and grandchildren.

What expectations do I have before each race? When you go with cars that are almost 100 years old, the expectation you have when a race starts is to finish it because it is not mathematical to be able to complete it, and the historicity of the vehicle brings with it an X factor of significant weight.

What do I feel for my car? It’s an indefinable feeling, a very personal sensation. I can say that every time I start it up and sit on it, a piece is added that defines our mutual belonging and the total Devotion I feel.

Is it the car that represents her, or is it she who, when sitting inside, represents her car? There is no characterization of one towards the other; it is definitely a symbiosis between us that gives us satisfaction both from an emotional and a sporting point of view: because if you can share well the characteristics of your car and bring out your technical-sporting abilities, you also achieve important results, because in the end, we are talking about competitions.

“This year I won’t be able to participate in the race due to surgery, but my brother Mario will take part in the Mille Miglia on behalf of the family, but I will experience it with my heart.”

The Mille Miglia will pass right in front of Us on June 17. Discover Our hotel packages HERE.